Make A Commitment to tell a child or an adult every day
that they are a valuable person through the gift of Christ.
(Making this commitment will make you a partner
in helping Jesus Christ help children.)
You are a person of worth.
You are a person of worth because of the gift of God. The reason: 2 Corinthians 5:15-18
I value you.
You are valuable because of nothing you have done or could do. You are valuable because you are God’s creation.
Situation: A child gets a low grade on a test or report card; what does that communicate?
A low grade or high grade does not communicate the value or worth of a child. A low grade communicates that more time needs to be spent in learning the material since a higher grade is desired, but a child needs to be reminded that no grade can diminish or increase their worth. However much more work you need or desire to do, you are a valuable person right now.
This can be a difficult message to receive when so much in our culture seems to testify that you are valuable because of the way you look, because of who your friends are, because of where you live, because of what you wear, because of who your parents are, because of how much money you have, because of your history etc..
What we say or do can not change our human worth, but what we say or do reveals what we think about our worth and the worth of others. The health of our nation, business, family, and world is greatly affected by what we think of ourselves and others. Affirming the value of others is such a small price to pay for such enormous profit. (Make this deposit into the life of a child.)
Situation: Your child’s team wins a game or loses a game; what does that communicate? A win or a loss cannot determine a child’s value. The score describes how one team’s performance compares to another team’s performance, but a child needs to be reminded that no performance can diminish or increase their worth. Performance may increase dollar earning power but it does not increase or decrease their human worth.
Children need to be treated as the valuable creations that they are. The health of the child depends on it. The health of our community depends on it. Be a partner with Cordova Baptist Church in providing this experience for children.